Immigrate To Australia

Australia as a Country has developed very rapidly in recent years and has become a favorite destination for Industries and Individuals to migrate or setup in Australia. The immigration Rules and Regulations in Australia for permitting any corporate or individual to enter the country are quite strict and elaborate. Any minor error in fulfilling the application form or providing the required documents will result in rejection of the visa. Hence it is advisable to approach Immigration experts that are well versed in the processing of the applications. We at Ippc provide complete assistance with regards to cost, category of visa, any possible lapse in the application, and the ways to avoid them. We as Immigration experts take care of the processing of visa from the very start till the end. Basic Requirements Immigration to Australia is not judged on migrant’s race, gender, colour or culture. Instead, eligibility to migrate depends on things such as your skills, health, age, finances and ability to speak English and whether you have family or business contacts here. Maximum Age for skilled migration is 49 years (if you are above that limit then we will have to examine other options such as business migration). You have to have at least vocational English and one year of work experience.

General Skilled Migration (Skill Select Visas)

Australia has need for suitably qualified and skilled workers, right from nurses to engineers to accountants to IT professionals and many more. If you are suitably qualified with relevant work experience or if your skills are in demand, there could be a range of temporary residence or permanent residence (PR Visa/ Immigration) visa options for you.


You may have an employer sponsoring you or have state sponsorship or you may simply qualify based on your experience and qualification for general skilled migration visa. To check if your skills are in demand and if you can take the first step towards migrating to Australia you need to refer to the Medium and Long Term Skills Shortage List, Short Term Skilled Occupation List or the Regional Occupation List. Based on your occupation and based on your points you may qualify for either of the below visas:


Subclass 189 Skilled Independent Visa: Only based on your points (minimum required points is 65) and you can live anywhere in Australia on this visa.


Subclass 190 State Nominated Visa: Your occupation needs to be in demand in a state as well and a nomination from a state guarantees your invitation to apply for a visa.


Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa: This can be either State Nominated or Family Sponsored (close family member) depending on the occupation requirements and your family situation.


Family and Partner Visas

If you have family in Australia (child, parent, spouse, fiancé) or if you are marrying an Australian permanent resident or citizen, you may qualify for one of the family visas or partner visa/ prospective marriage visa. These visas are available if you are within Australia or outside Australia. These visas may vary in duration in nature (temporary or permanent) and are based on your situation.


Business Owner/ Investor

Are you a business owner? Are you looking to start and run a successful business in Australia or are you planning to invest in an existing one? If you are, there could suitable business skills visa options available for you.


In the Business Innovation stream, you must:

  • be younger than 55 years of age
  • score at least 65 on the Innovation Points test*
  • have a total annual turnover of at least AUD 500,000 (in one or more of your main businesses) in at least two of the four fiscal years immediately before you are invited to apply
  • own at least one of the following percentages of that main business (or two main businesses):
    • 51 per cent of a business with a turnover of less than AUD 400,000 per annum
    • 30 per cent of a business with a turnover of more than AUD 400,000 per annum
    • 10 per cent of a publicly-listed company
    • have managed a business, in which you spent less than half your time on professional (such as a doctor or lawyer), technical or trade services
    • have a genuine desire to own and maintain a management role in a business in Australia.
  • You (or your partner, or you and your partner combined) must also:
    • have total assets of at least AUD 800,000 that have been legally acquired and able to be legally
      transferred to Australia within two years of the visa being granted, and have an overall successful business career with no involvement in unacceptable business activities.

In the Investor stream you must:

  • be younger than 55 years of age
  • score at least 65 on the Innovation Points test*
  • have a high level of management skill in relation to eligible investments or qualifying business activity
  • have at least three years’ experience of direct involvement in managing one or more qualifying businesses or eligible investments
  • have a genuine and realistic commitment to continuing your business and investment activity in
    Australia after the original investment has matured.
  • You (or your partner, or you and your partner combined) must also:
    • have a total assets of at least AUD 2.25 million for the two fiscal years immediately before you are invited to apply. These assets must have been legally acquired and able to be legally transferred to Australia within two years of the visa being granted
      have an overall successful record of eligible investment or qualifying business activity with no involvement in unacceptable activities
    • be prepared to make your government-approved designated investment of AUD 1.5 million using funds you have accumulated from your direct involvement, for at least one of the five fiscal years before you are invited to apply, in one of the following activities:
    • managing your eligible investments that total at least AUD 1.5 million
    • managing a qualifying business in which you owned at least 10 per cent of the total value of the business.
  • If you apply for the Significant Investor stream, you must be prepared to invest at least AUD 5 million in at least one of the following ‘complying investments’:
    • Commonwealth, state or territory government bonds
    • Certain managed funds that have a mandate for investing in one of the Australian assets
    • Direct investment into private Australian companies not listed on any Australian stock exchange.
    • You must obtain an ownership interest in the company. The company must:
      genuinely operate a qualifying business in Australia, be registered with ASIC and have an Australian Business Number (ABN).