australian visa for indian citizens

3 Australian Visa For Indian Citizens

Australian Visa For Indian Citizens

Australia’s allure as an immigration destination stems from its robust economy, picturesque landscapes, and cultural diversity. Understanding the intricate visa subclasses is crucial for those aspiring to call this vibrant country home. This blog delves deep into the best Australian visa for Indian citizens and the distinctions between three prominent Australian visas: the Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189), the Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190), and the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 491). We will also explore the complexities surrounding eligibility for the 189 visas, the cut-off scores for different occupations, and the shifting landscape of Australian immigration policies.

Difference Between 189, 190, and 491 Visas

Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)

The Subclass 189 visa caters to skilled workers whose qualifications and experience align with occupations listed on Australia’s Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL). Unique among these visas, the 189 visa doesn’t necessitate sponsorship from an employer or a state/territory government. Instead, applicants must fulfil specific prerequisites, including age, language proficiency, skills assessment, and meeting the minimum points requirement. Points are assigned based on various factors such as age, work experience, education, English language proficiency, and more.

Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190)

Like the 189 visas, the Subclass 190 visa hinges on skillsets in demand within specific Australian states or territories. As a nominee, applicants require sponsorship from a state or territory government. This nomination underscores the government’s recognition of your skills as crucial for their region’s development.

Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 491) 

The Subclass 491 visa contributes to Australia’s regional migration strategy, aiming to populate regional areas with skilled workers. Replacing the previous Subclass 489 visa, the 491 visa mandates state or family sponsorship. The nominated occupation must be on the MLTSSL or the Regional Occupation List (ROL). Meeting the minimum points requirement is also obligatory.

Note: Those who have their occupation on STSOL (Short-Term Skilled Occupation List) can only apply for 190 and 491. Whereas those with occupations on MLTSSL can apply for all three, some occupations on the ROL can opt for only 491 state-nominated visas.

Eligibility Criteria for the Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)

The coveted Subclass 189 visa’s eligibility criteria are robust, reflecting its desirability:

  1. Occupation: Nominate an occupation from the MLTSSL.
  2. Age: The primary applicant must be below 45 years old.
  3. Skills Assessment: Undergo a skills assessment relevant to the nominated occupation.
  4. English Language Proficiency: Showcase satisfactory English skills through IELTS, TOEFL, or PTE tests.
  5. Points Test: Score at least 65 points on the Points Test, which evaluates age, English proficiency, work experience, education, and more.

Cut-off Scores and Invitation Rounds

The Australian government conducts regular invitation rounds to select the highest-scoring candidates from the Expression of Interest (EOI) pool in the SkillSelect system. Cut-off scores fluctuate based on available spots and occupation demand. High-demand occupations typically have higher cut-off scores, while those less sought-after may have lower scores.


Selecting the ideal Australian visa hinges on comprehending occupation demand, personal eligibility, and the preference for regional or state/territory sponsorship. Subclass 189, 190, and 491 visas offer diverse pathways for skilled workers to establish themselves in Australia. While the 189 visa champions independence, the 190 and 491 visas enable nominees to contribute to specific regions. Attaining any of these visas necessitates meticulous research, compliance with eligibility criteria, and a comprehensive grasp of the application procedure. As Australian immigration policies evolve, staying abreast of updates is indispensable for those pursuing the dream of living Down Under, and what is better than taking the assistance of professionals like IPPC Visas, who can help you select the right path and help you with the visa process.

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