Migration Agents Registration Authority

The Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA) is an office of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (the Department).

As the industry regulator for Australian migration agent services, they administer a comprehensive regulatory framework, which all migration agents based in Australia are compelled to follow.

Anyone providing immigration advice or assistance in Australia must be registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority. This is a legal requirement under the Migration Act 1958.


A Registered Migration Agent is required to meet many requirements before he/ she can be registered with OMARA, some of them being:

  • Knowledge requirement (Study and knowledge of Australian Immigration Law tested through a rigorous certification course and exam)
  • Knowledge and use of the English Language
  • Having a National Police Record check
  • Keep up to date with Professional Knowledge
  • Follow a Code of Ethics

The Authority will not register an applicant if the Authority is satisfied the applicant is:

  • not a fit and proper person to give immigration assistance or
  • not a person of integrity or
  • related by employment to an individual who is not a person of integrity, and the applicant should not be registered because of that relationship.